How to extract: Download the "Portable Version" ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice.Extract these files to a temporary folder, launch the setup process and, when pr o" ompted, select the application folder (the same f olde atur es v locati on a s the File menu, select Preferences an PDFXEd choose Registrati on t. Download language packs from the OCR language page. Check the box "Hide all li cens ed fea bl ture mos t avai from tool ab le ars and menus" p. Launch, :Disable most available "Pro" features via the File d menu, select Preferences and choose Registration. Extract these files to a temporary folder, launch the setup process and, when prompted, select the application folder (the same folder location as the PDFXEdit.exe). Downloa Add la ition g al languag e e packs are available from the OCR language page. Check the box "Hide all licensed features from toolbars and menus". Launch :Disable most available "Pro" features via the File menu, select Preferences and choose Registration. Check the box "Hide all licensed features from toolbars and menus".Additional language packs are available from the OCR language page. Some "Pro" features can be used, but will add a watermark upon saving. Y ou can ou can apply c ustom stamp ustom stamps from any imag e/ e/PDF file/W indows indows clipboard, mark-u p p pages w ith text ith text and objects and add/edit hyperlinks.The program supports import and export to text or image (BMP/JPEG/TIFF/PNG etc.).Note: The free PDF-XChange Editor lacks some features present in the registered version (payware). The program includes edition of text-based PDFs, OCR of image based/scanned PDF's to fully text-searchable PDFs, full document spel s to fully text-searchable, full document spellchecking, rot rotate/crop documents, add com me ments/annot ations t atio an y s, PDF QR fil code, s QR co and es and m more.

Synopsis: PDF-XChange Editor is a fast, feature-rich PDF viewer and editor with a tabbed interface.What's new: ht t tps: //w //o /prod /product/pdf-xchange-editor.