Users can utilize both SILC and ICB protocols in Irssi by leveraging its powerful plugins. This terminal-based IRC client boasts quite a set of advanced features on top of its lightweight build. If you’re looking for a powerful yet flexible IRC Client Linux Terminal, then Irssi is a pretty good option for you. It also provides users the ability to utilize the same client for IRC and other instant messaging services at the same time. Pidgin is extremely fast, owing gratitude to C. This cross-platform open-source IRC client offers a plethora of powerful features and enables users to indulge in discussions with their favorite Linux IRC channel members easily. Pidgin is arguably one of the best IRC Clients for Linux systems and enjoys a cult following in the community. WeeChat offers persistent connectivity and ships a convenient script engine for managing scripts.Extending this IRC client is pretty straightforward, and developers can choose from C, Python, Perl, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, Scheme, or Javascript to do this.

Thanks to its diverse user base, Linux features some of the best IRC clients you can find today. A substantial number of IRC Clients for Linux exist, making it very easy for us Linux enthusiasts to use IRC services. Once connected to a network, users can join a channel to share messages with other people.